The theory behind
La teoría detrás
In order to promote the Strut-and-Tie Model (STM) for structural concrete design this webpage presents a refined automatic generation of a proper STM that reduces the input required by the user and facilitates its implementation. This tool intends to assist in decision-making for the design process, where engineering judgement is relevant. Based on simple mesh generator algorithms the concrete element perimeter is replaced by a closed polygon and a closely spaced grid of points, containing the polygon vertices.In the proposed model, the concrete element is replaced with a highly indeterminate truss system with a finite number of truss elements. After the finite element analysis is carried out, the stress distribution throughout the structure is known. Trusses where the material is not effectively used are eliminated or disregarded using a criterion for rejection. Such analysis and element elimination cycle is called Discrete Evolutionary Structural Optimization.
Iterative calculation
Cálculo iterativo
Each element cross-sectional area depends on the nature of the axial force and the intensity of the energy of deformation of the previous step. This approach involves an iterative calculation in which the local stiffness matrix of individual elements is calculated at each step, based on the previous step. A "practicality factor" (β) is included in order to penalize undesirable directions during the iterative process. For example, if a prefixed reinforcement orientation is not desired the defined factor should be less than 1.0, reducing the cross section throughout the iterations, thus forcing a progressive reduction of the element stiffness with the iterative process. Unless the element is necessary for equilibrium, the element will eventually reduce its participation as a load carrying element. The convergence of the calculations is determined by the change in the estimated of the double of the total strain-energy. The analysis stops when then convergence criteria is satisfied.
Other considerations
Otras consideraciones
A minimum value of the internal force, e.g. a fraction of the exterior loads, has to be chosen in order to define whether the element is disregarded or not for graphical purposes.
Para determinar que elementos se muestran se determina un valor mínimo de las fuerzas axiales, por ejemplo una fracción de las cargas exteriores, para definir si el elemento es despreciado o no (a los fines gráficos).
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